Healthy human relationships can be supported and deepened by profound communion with the natural world, our original Mother. In these explorations we will find joyous earth-exercises that encourage us to re-member what indigenous communities have not forgotten: we are kin to all beings. Current brain science affirms this relatedness. The minerals that flow through our bloodstream were forged in ancient stars. Our cycles of life ~ seeding, germination, growth, flowering, fruiting, returning to the soil ~ mirror the life of plants. Our relational brain is architected upon the blueprint of early mammalian cousins. Come into this exploration: when we know in our bones that we are born directly from the Earth, we will care for her and our children’s future with wisdom.

When we become bees we will know Self as sunlight, flowers.
We will catch bio-oscillations ~ the perception of others ~
ruffling through our wings.
Benevolence between species, our ancient heritage,
will be a lived-understanding; a reality we practice body to body.
At last we will come home to the secret of love,
hidden in the plain sight of our own DNA.
— "A Litany of Wild Graces."

If you appreciate these videos and blogs, if you feel inspired by them, please follow this link make a donation ~ or a number of donations ~ to Soul Fire Farm. This is an amazing organization that trains young Black farmers in regenerative farming practices. It sends them into the world to rebuild agriculture in their own communities and to act as models for all young farmers who want sustainability for their farms. It warms me to know that my work, through your donation, helps support this crucial initiative!

Sacred Earth, Sacred Self Videos

In this short video you’ll see our cathedral in the woods, and hear the crickets singing. To hear crickets the way they hear themselves…as angels singing Gloria… click here

#9 A Wild Cathedral Labyrinth. Jump over to Wild Graces Blog number 12 for the Wild Cathedrals poem. Enjoy!

Heart Breathing puts us in touch with the Heart of the Earth. Join me!

In these cold winter months, we fan the spark of our inner light and become warm beside the fire of the heart.